Thursday, November 11, 2010

Corrupt Judge allows Muslims Foothold for Sharia Law in United States America

Associated Press - 11/9/2010 5:50:00 AM

OKLAHOMA CITY- A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order blocking a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit Oklahoma courts from considering international or Islamic law when deciding cases.

Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange's ruling prevents the state election board from certifying the results of last week's election in which the amendment was approved by 70 percent of Oklahoma voters.

Her order will remain in effect until a Nov. 22 hearing on a requested preliminary injunction.

It was issued in a lawsuit filed by the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Oklahoma. Muneer Awad said during the hearing that the law stigmatizes his religion and would invalidate his will, which he said is partially based on Islamic Law.

As a US Citizen, I Benjamin Rush URGE YOU to write that Judge EVERY DAY until she decides to be on the side of AMERICA and not on the Side of  Another Country's set of Laws that have NOTHING TO DO WITH AMERICA AND DO NOT HAVE ANY PLACE TO BE ALLOWED IN AMERICA, PERIOD!!

U.S. Courthouse - C/O Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange
Rm 3301 (Third Floor), Courtroom 301 (Third Floor)
200 N.W. Fourth St. Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Chambers Telephone: 405-609-5400
Chambers Fax: 405-609-5413

This is scary and it sickens me to the point I wish to puke on her paid off, corrupt robe that she obviously has no right to wear after this atrocity. I really want to know if anyone even cares anymore. Because ALL IT EVER TOOK in this country as in any country is for its citizens' voice to be raised & pointed in the needed direction. Even the most corrupt dictators fear the masses uprising.
#1 - There had to be a large amount of LEGAL signatures for this amendment to be on the Oklahoma ballot.

#2 - Since more than (70 %) SEVENTY PERCENT of the voting people in Oklahoma already said NO Sharia LAW, going out of their way to MAKE SURE it not be an issue in their state judicial system decisions , who in this WORLD has the legal right or  authority to OVER TURN the voice of the People? NO ONE. NOT EVEN THAT HELL BENT, Anti-American JUDGE!

This is why we do things like this in America. When Corrupt Judges overturn the will of the people, or when politicians ignore their constituents and go against the will of the public majority outcry, (especially when voted on o matter the outcome), THAT IS CALLED A DICTATORSHIP. America is NOT a Dictatorship and all you readers who think it should be go ‘head & get packing! Get your passports and go live in an established dictatorship. THEN you will be happy and so will freedom loving Americans. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. Otherwise, leave my republic alone!

I SAY WE DEMAND that she step down TODAY. NO more decisions should she be allowed to rule on behalf of ANYONE in this Country or for this country.

Sounds like maybe she was bribed by someone to do this? Why else would she commit treason? Either that, or she is incompetent (I doubt that), Maybe she is a MUSLIM and has been working as a sleeping terrorist all this time and finally woke up? (I doubt that also).

Either way, SHE IS THE ENEMY of the people of THESE UNITED STATES!

I don’t know, but id assume that she maybe has to take a handful of sleeping pills to sleep at night. Maybe like McCain she will be sleep driving from taking Ambien? or maybe she was “Sleep Ruling” and has no remembrance of this case? Certainly no matter what the excuse, she has no business being an American Judge in ANY LEVEL of SOCIETY.

This is such an outrage, I really don't have words to express my Shock. The ones written here don’t come close to fully expressing my disdain for this woman and treasonous act she committed. maybe the shock is that she still sits on that bench as a federal judge? She should be ashamed. if not, it shows the decline of morals it takes for this nation to remain free as well as the lack of care on her part to commit such horrendous act against ALL those Veterans who fought and are fighting for Freedom.

All those soldiers, (family, friends, fathers, husbands, wives, children or someone) who lost their lives so we could have a trustworthy JUSTICE system would not be on ball with her on this. As a veteran myself, I don’t know anyone in my unit who would be either.

If the people take this and say, "Well, I guess there's nothing we can do"... this case will be the end of our Nation’s justice system. It will be the nail in the coffin. It will allow ANY country's authority and rule to be considered in any judges ruling.

I don’t think many people truly understand the magnitude of these types of rulings. That they UTTERLY DESTROY OUR CONSTITUTION, rendering it MEANINGLESS. 

Our nations was founded on basic principles that are mocked more and more every day. Our Constitution already has a few holes in it, as many comedians remind us in jokes these days. I laugh with them, but cry on the inside as I see freedom slipping away.

I know what is in our future if we wish to go the route of tearing apart our Freedom Document that so many people have paid for with their Blood. It doesn’t look like any place I wish to live. I like it right here where I am at. Its nice to visit those other places, but to belittle what 400+ years of sustainability and accomplishments we made with the Guidance of God fighting for us, COUNTLESS men and women who lost lives, land and their own personal freedoms so we as a collective people could enjoy safety and the very freedoms we fought for, how can YOU be so apathetic to allow this by your silence?

All those who are siding with the corrupt ‘judge’ need to leave this country (taking her with you) & go live in one where those types of corruption is regular, for they do not love anything Our Constitution stands for. They do not love freedom. I don’t know what they love, but it isn’t freedom or justice. Go live in a country where they chop off hands for minor mistakes. No humans are perfect, but let the punishment fit the crime and let us keep the just laws of this nation in tact. This is after all why we celebrate Independence Day.

To be Independent from other nations' rules.

I DEMAND that woman Step down from the bench IMMEDIATELY and thrown in JAIL!

I do have One Question to ask all of you... "why would we even need an amendment to protect us against using laws from another country when we already have the US Constitution? = Red Flag Alert

Which leads to one more question...
Does this mean that someone HAS BEEN using laws OTHER than those of our United States to govern the legal Citizens of this nation? Wow, I hope not!

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