I hate the term, “lame duck” when it applies to describe a president or our congress members. A lame duck is basically a sitting duck waiting to die. Waiting to be eaten by a predator unless it is protected by humans or God. If our congress were not a coup of evil intended individuals calling themselves socialists) then maybe I wouldn’t worry so much and wouldn’t be presenting these facts as something that needs immediate addressing. So, Lame Duck does not describe the current members of congress or anyone in leadership & power position in our nations sacred halls. Again, I reiterate that our apathy (which has actually been pushed on us by the politics of the day) is our own demise. I cant say it enough.
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Wounded Lions are mean |
This lame duck congress will do as much damage to this nation as possible before they are out. Instead of being called a lame duck, they should be called a prideful pride of wounded lions. Wounded lions will fight at anything that gets near them for fear that their life is at risk. Congress knows that they have a short window in which to push through some VERY DANGEROUS LEGISLATION. This should not be taken lightly! It isn’t a game. They are not simple minded idiots. Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi was fired (by the American people) along with many democrats who have their crooked, feeble, illegitimate, corrupt hands in the cookie jar. Don’t be deceived, Some republicans are in bed with them as well.
They know the people are upset with the direction our nation is headed on just what they know about. MOST AMERICANS DON’T EVEN KNOW many facts that they are doing/done. We have been apathetic to our demise. This lame duck congress know their time is short and as Satan also knows his time is short, we are told By GOD that Satan goes around as a roaring lion seeking to devour and destroy.
No matter who is in office, there are a few Executive Orders that truly should scare YOU, the American Public, Taxpayer, Voter and resident of this nation. Why would someone say this?
One reason is the 1933 President Roosevelt created the War and Emergency Powers Act of 1933 that basically Suspends our Constitution when there is a ‘threat’ or our security or for what ever reason they decide. Oh, well, its ok , its in the name of safety for the people of the USA ? No, its not. It is an Agenda that is long standing and being implemented by Stealth Mode. Little increments at a time and no one will notice until it is completed. That is the plan, that has been the plan and now if any who has been paying attention to detail can see that they no longer need the stealth mode. They can (and DO directly and swiftly) simply DO AS THEY PLEASE, even to go as far as Obama calling the American Public, his ENEMIES? This places a huge difference in definition on the word “dissenter”. An opposite to what vigilance of the people is supposed to be.
As a side note, i'll interject the Second Amendment Right given to us by the Bill of Rights. It states as follows:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
This can only be interpreted as it reads (although there have been breaches in even the clause "shall not be infringed". Any gun/weapon law is against this Bill of Rights. It Cant be looked at any other way. If one desires to interpret the second amendment even further, read the writings of the founders who made sure that the people would be protected against BIG GOVERNMENT. These writings can be found here at http://www.wallbuilders.com/ and there is NO mistake that they meant for you and me to be able to OWN a gun, SHOOT a gun, have AMMO for that gun and be able to use it safely and effectively to PROTECT OURSELVES AGAINST AN OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT. Contrary to what popular belief is now according to every Non-Christian media source I've listened to over the last 10 years with a steadily increasing voice. “A government that fears its people is one who is guilty of deceiving them and scared that the people will find out and revolt” - So says I. And doing so in order to render its people (thats you and me) harmless against them (thats the gov), JUST AS HITLER DID, they will NOT stop trying to eliminate our weapons. Or maybe allow us to have slingshots against bazookas so we dont poke an eye out?
Learn from history and the mistakes ALL other fallen nations made. Do not REPEAT their mistakes.
One gigantic lession to be learned from all other fallen natoins is that they ALL LEFT GOD. Once god leaves you, you have NO protection. You might even have attacks on purpose. He is not going to be mocked.
Also, don’t go reading the Wikipedia for ANYTHING you truly want truth about. This is a website funded by the very people who strongly oppose the Freedoms that the United States Constitution grants its citizens and these people wish to dissolve this in order to make us as ONE WORLD, instead of Celebrating the Declaration of Independence. Believing the important issues found on Wikipedia is like believing in the horribly untruthful web site known as Snopes.com. I am amazed that people are so dumbed down, they actually will take what snopes says as solid, biblical truth. they lie and have been caught lying. They are most likely funded by the same. Wikipedia and Snopes (for important issues) are like believing in fables and fairy tales.
We are the ones who they are to be defending. Instead, our freedom loving minds are hated by the powerful men in powerful positions.
Someone please tell me WHY in the hell a man like Henry Kissinger is allowed to be a White House ANYTHING? Among many of his ANTI-American Quotes, this is one that I recently came across. By itself it is not a grave statement, but knowing the background and history of Henry Kissinger and his ADVICE for our leaders and those who took his advice, The only logical conclusion is that he positively desires to erode our sovereignty and hand to over to the New World Order. Both President Bush's were strong advocates of this and actually that is when I first heard the term New World ORder, from Bush Sr. he said it on record more than 200 times. He denies this but video tape doesnt lie mr. ex-pres. GW made the secret meeting with president of canada and Mexico to form the North american Union. Yet they deny that too. There is footage of former president of Mexico Vicente Fox saying how much he wanted that to a reality. Check Youtube.
We AMERICA are the last hold out in the WORLD. Those evil men who are trying diligently to convince the people that we need to “get on Board” with the rest of the world DO NOT HAVE THE INTEREST of the People of the USA nor the Future of the USA in high regards. What I mean is, they want us to be a NOBODY. And honestly I have NO PROBLEM being a nobody just as long as you leave us alone and allow us to remain FREE. We already have that established and its been under attack since its inception.
"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."--Henry Kissinger
"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."--Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger is nothing more than an anti-american Globalist Outsider, a hater of freedom and a very wealthy Globalist whose agenda ALWAYS has been to destroy this nation’s freedom and join it to the rest of the world. Jesus said, why should we (His Children) join themselves to harlots? We should not partake of her sins lest we be punished. Also in Proverbs it tells men to stay away from whoreish women, because their way is the way to hell and
Some have called him the anti-Christ, but this I seriously doubt. He positively IS an anti-Christ (no doubt), his fruit reveals that of himself. I could do an entire Blog (and probably will) just about Henry Kissinger and his 100% Anti-American evils. Instead, let go back to the main topic of this writing.
The Lame Duck Congress’ Agenda
What is their known current agenda? Lets take a look:
***The Cap and Tax scheme that would drive already sky-high energy costs through the roof, massively hike taxes on hardworking Americans and give the federal government unprecedented control over the economy.
***Tax increases, new bailouts of pet industries, and the much-talked-about "second stimulus package," all designed to siphon away every last bit of wealth from the American people and hand it to our Big Government "benefactors". (who benefited from the First bail Out so-called stimulus package? Not the People, yet we are the ones held accountable to pay it back?)
***Retirement Account Confiscation allowing the IRS to seize your IRA and 401(k) accounts -- claiming the need to "protect" them from their owners.
***The new DANGEROUS ID Bill that would not only allow the government to listen to phone calls and monitor internet accounts, but would mandate Americans get a federally-approved ID card complete with an RFID tracking device.
*** Congressman Brad Sherman's scheme to take away EVERY state's ability to pass a Right to Work Law. This legislation would repeal all 22 current state Right to Work laws and bar states from passing them in the future.
That's why your IMMEDIATE action is so important.
IN THIS Lame Duck Congress, They will be doing all they can to fulfill their agenda. This is why the President of OUR NATION didn’t care much about the election. He had to be expecting it knowing what his agenda was, knowing that the people have an approval rating (ALREADY) lower than GW Bush's approval rating at the end of his eight year 'Freedom Fighting' term. Or shall I say, Freedom SNATCHING term. I voted for him twice by the way and didn’t realize his agenda until I learned what the Patriot Act was all about. Then I began to learn what had really happened. Shame on him. Shame on anyone who still supports him (knowing what we know now).
SO, our VIGILENCE is needed GREATLY, TODAY, RIGHT NOW in this time before the Congress Elect is sworn in, January 2011. This current lame duck congress can do our country a lot of damage that will take much time for the congress elect to repair.
When you look at this scenario, one MUST come to the conclusion that the plans of wicked men are established as a takeover of this precious nation. When the current President declares that ALL who oppose his agenda are his 'enemies'?
Again I warn, that Hitler did this very same thing. The saddest part about the rise of Hitler is that at least he did EVERYTHING legally. Our congress do things ILLEGALLY and don’t bat an eye when the people speak out.
I ask you what I have asked many in the last 4 years… what DO you do when the majority of a nation speaks to its leaders in opposition to their plans that go against the only Document that gives us FREEDOM and talking doesn’t work any longer. Voting doesn’t work any longer. The same agenda continues administration after administration and we elect new people in hopes of STABILITY, and the CHANGE BACK towards freedom but the evil continues to march forward?
I assure you that I am NOT over-reacting.
What DO WE DO?
This is not a hypothetical question. This is a question I would LOVE everyone’s input on. That’s how our nation worked at one time. We the People of These United States were in control. Now, the balance of power is no longer there, it no longer our security because it only exists on paper and not in reality. WHAT DO WE DO?
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