Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Congress coming but what happens in the meantime? HALT CURRENT CONGRESS!

Halt The Government until we can re-organize our cause of Freedom!

In the wake of this recent election, a clear vocal SHOUT OUT to the government BY the PEOPLE. A message that was very clear to congress saying enough is enough. We are FED UP, TIRED of the stripping of our rights, Laws that make the people NOT prosper and cause more poverty within our USA Borders. There is an AGENDA whether those political hounds want to believe it or not. It isn’t spoken about by conservative talk radio. At least not MAINSTREAM conservative media. And that is another thing… Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neil Bortz and the like ARE MAINSTREAM talk radio. They have millions of listeners and that makes them MAINSTREAM!

This lame duck congress is positively OUT of control and out to destroy the USA and do as much damage as possible before the new congress is legally in session. If you think it his is a matter of opinion, read the news. YES, I know you cannot trust the media.

I've have warned everyone already about how ALL the major influential news outlets are controlled by un-named forces backed by UNTOLD, UNLIMITED WEALTH.

It also seems that in these days, the people who have the power to make REAL change are willing to sell out because of the economy or their own greed. In some ways (human perspective) its understandable. They want to be secure, but even if its at the expense of our own nation’s freedom. When Rush Limbaugh gets $400,000,000 MILLION DOLLARS to be a talk show host, this doesn’t raise a red flag to anyone? That is NO small figure, it is a PAY OFF.

Even though he says good things most of the time and brings up certain topics that some don’t touch on, the media is EASY to manipulate simply by OMMISION of topics that are never brought up or discussed. Or if they are, they are made light of, or made fun of or belittled in some way or even worse… the subjects dropped and forgotten about. They throw off the listener by what is known as a Red Herring. A Red Herring is a fish that makes a stench to throw a predictor off the trail. Leading it to the scent of something that  doesn’t REALLY matter in the big picture of things. And I’m not talking only about Rush Limbaugh. I have heard Sean Hannity do the same damage, cut people off air (and not just leftist democrats), give his oh so fake laugh and either ignore what was said with a laugh about the caller or give a rebuttal that had nothing to do with the subject matter that the caller was speaking about. I knew a few times when he did this and he LOST my support. This is when I really began to look into issues and learn the truth about matters that DO matter the most. Since I have done this, I have noticed the red herrings daily on the MAINSTREAM conservative talk radio.

Although I’m a staunch conservative, before Rush became a little more humble than he was, I was put off and didn’t like to listen to him because he was so ARROGANT. He has toned down his arrogance a little, its there, but now he has a tone of humility in his voice. Not sure if that was all due to the fact that he was raging against the regular people taking pain pills and he was on them as well. I don’t believe for a second that he has stopped taking them. He has enough money to buy as many as he likes. With or without a doctors Rx. Again, the only issue I have is that he spoke so strongly against them and was using them. Well, the Bible talks about that and says in Matthew 7:2 -  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. So Rush got a taste of his own dish outs. Its just a law of God that cannot be broken.

Also Romans 2:1“Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judges: for wherein thou judge another, thou condemn thyself; for thou that judges does the same things”.

I think what bothers me the most is those men sit in a position where THEY KNOW the truth. They choose not to alert the masses and THEY ARE THE ONES WITH THE POWER! I have heard several callers tell Rush and Sean this exact thing. I admire about rush that he rarely cuts people off air. But most of his shows are taped ahead of time and then aired. 

Back to the topic of discussion, the Lame Duck Congress being a roaring Lion with an agenda. Politicians with evil agendas scare me the most. And the last few years, they have proven that they DO NOT CARE what the voice of the people are, in the least.

Here is an example from Ted Kennedy. In 2007, there was a bill to destroy the DSHEA. The DSHEA is an acronym for Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. This made it so the Americans could LEGLALY and LAWFULY ingest anything that God has made. Not condemned via the DEA. We actually had to made. So Ted Kennedy (hopefully repented and is in Heaven) said right on congressional record on CSPAN also that. “we heard the American people but were going through with this bill anyway”. WHY? Because they have an agenda.

This agenda is called Codex Alimentarius. What this is, is a treaty with United Nationsagain overriding our constitution, telling people that NUTRIENTS ARE TOXIC POISONS. Yes, you read correctly. A UN “Doctor” stated in an article that Nutrients are poisonous to our bodies.

Once this treaty is ratified (and will be by 2012) almost here), they WILL pull of the shelves of every store, every pharmacy, Wal-Mart, Target, (insert store here), ALL the herbals, ALL the minerals, ALL the natural, ALL the VITAMINS, (you think I’m making this up) and God given plants that are beneficial to our bodies, to be eliminated or via prescription only. They will be as ILLEGAL AS HEROIN is illegal. If they DO prescribe it , it will be such a low dose form that it would take the entire bottle to be effective.

So, we need to stop congress RIGHT NOW, TODAY. Until the new congress is legally in the seats to vote on critical issues. See, you never heard any of this from Rush, Sean or Fox have you? Fair and Balanced?

You wont hear anything until about 2 days before its going to be voted IN, if you ever heard about it all. Now, anyone going to nursing school or becoming a doctor KNOWS about this. They will take off the products one by one until they are all gone.  THAT’S CALLED STEALTH MODE. They do evil by tiny increments so you don’t really notice the big picture until its too late.

This will happen. That is unless you demand that they repeal this. These are VERY IMPORTANT THINGS. The UN website itself claims that a minimum of 3 BILLION people will die within 2 years of this by starvation first and next... preventable diseases associated with under-nutrition. It will be ILLEGAL to ship any of these nutrients (even foods containing them) to any nation that has signed and ratified the treaty. The US has signed the treaty. Be good Christians and Lets UN-ratify this KILLING MACHINE NOW, TODAY!

I have told people this since I first head about it in 2005 (from Christian Radio show Point of View) and everyone I told said, “not in my lifetime”. NO ONE BELIEVED ME!

Its much worse than I said about the nutrients. its about placing REAL poisons in ALL FOODS. All ANIMALS.

Here are only THREE links by Credible DOCTORS who are the main people to have learned about this Codex Alimentarious:

Video Link Two - 5 Minute Summary of above link -


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