This is why lately you may have run across a few website demanding that we “End the Fed”. If we do not,
Even if we legalized low THC Hemp farming (as Canada recently has) for its extremly useful plant material, being used from everything from longest lasting paper, softest toilet paper, softer and longer lasting clothes and seed nutrition (just to name a few), that alone could help get us out of this financial crisis and get us back on our own feet. This is afterall how we grew our nations economy in our early days of the USA. We need policies in America that do NOT violate our United States Constitution, do not push us towards Globalism and we certainly do not need to LOSE OUR INDEPENDANCE! What will we celebrateon 4th of July? Or will that be made illegal in the near future?
The Federal reserve act was established in 1913 by Woodrow Wilson under the pressure of the international Bankers. This was accomplished WHILE the rest of Congress was out for Christmas break. A bit Sneaky? I'd say so. Its all in congressional record. Who are these scumbag bankers? Well, we only know in part, but as a certainty, a few names can be placed on a roster. The Rockefellers, Warburgs, JP Morgan, Rothschild’s family are among the handful of families that own ALL the central banks of
A central bank lends money to nations and smaller banks with high interest rates. Yet they simply create the PAPER money from their own, money printing Mints. Now when WE do that, its called stealing and we go to jail. Yet these bankers have been in business for hundreds of years, pulling the ponzi scheme without getting caught. They have paid off all the right people and get in bed with most politicians, the governmental programs such as the FDA, CIA, FBI, EPA (and on and on) but especially with the corporations and that is how it remains hidden. Lately, more and more people are understanding what has happened here.
Besides our Lord and Savior and Our God (who said, “the borrower is servant to the lender”), Our forefathers also WARNED against allowing a central bank to operate in this country saying that it would be our demise. Well, they were correct.
Back then they were known as “Trusts”. Yet they couldn’t be trusted. That how sneaky they are. They want people’s trusts so they called it a Trust. There would have NEVER BEEN inflation as it is today had there not been a Central Bank. There had never been a Great Depression had there not been The Federal Reserve Central Bank. Which by the way, happened shortly after allowing to be in place and lasted a long time. Are you aware of what really caused it? It was a rumor that JP Morgan had circulated about the downfall of stocks and thus created a run on banks, where everyone wanted their own money in hand. That sparked the stocks to tank, then when they were at their lowest, Rockefeller, Morgans, Rothschilds, etc, BOUGHT UP the VERY INEXPENSIVE Stocks and pretty owned the markets ever since.
What happens to Presidents or other members of congress that want to obey God and do the correct thing, which is to actually work for the people as they are supposed to be doing? They usually end up in a coffin. Who does the president really obey? The People that elected him or the Bankers who own the Central Banks?
Andrew Jackson had many attempts on his life for keeping the Central banks from being established. Abraham Lincoln was killed for creating the Greenbacks (backed by actual Gold and Silver), JFK was killed for creating Executive Order 11100 & 11110 that would have abolished the Federal Reserve. By the way, that E.O. is still in place and can be USED if we the people will GAIN A BACKBONE!
If you would like to know more about the Federal Reserve, and you should want to know if you actually care about your own future, how it began, who started it, why it was founded, etc, then I URGE you to check out the video link presented here. Its called, "The Creature from Jekyll island". It is also available on CD or downloadable in MP3 format from Here. Gold is a good investment but buyer beware!
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