The Failed War On Drugs
We live in a world where the media bombards us DAILY with news about how terrible drugs are. If they are not telling us how terrible they, they are telling us about the folks who went to jail for being involved with them. This Blog article will be in sections because there is a lot to it. MUCH more than meets the eyes. The war on drugs is a mask to cover up the war on YOUR freedom and right to privacy. They are succeeding with YOUR help if you believe that we are able to trade our liberties for so-called security. That cannot be done. Ok it can but as Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who trade their essential liberties for false security deserve neither freedom nor security”.
The main audience I want to address are the Christians of this world. Because if Christians would understand the truth behind all the negative propaganda that has been spread about everything over the years, and understand the reasons behind the war on drugs AND the repercussions on the NON-violent poeple who get caught up in the system because of the war on drugs, they would make the biggest difference in ending this BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS that the American Cartel has on its tax payers. up until 90 Years ago, Christians had NO problems with people using drugs and they were MORE prevalent than today. Being able to buy them direct from a Sears/Roebuck Catalog or at your local grocery store or Pharmacy. people were not looked down upon UNTIL the government said, "hey look at these ppl and what they are doing, theyre SCUM for doing that"! And this is why (then they create pure lies in propaganda and gain everyones trust to beleive in their cause). When many of them were doctors and judges and respected members of the community.
Do any of you remember when cigarettes were sold as HEALTHY items to PREVENT LUNG CANCER? Well, i have the commercials and you can find them on Youtube or some DVD collections. maybe you'll notice in my writings that I make very little distinction between government and corporations. That's because there isnt much. One hand washes the other. Thats not good. The corporations control what We the People Do NOT.
MOST drugs COME FROM GOD’s PLANTS originally. God Created all things. He said that He gave us ALL the plants and that they were GOOD! All the but one TREE. And so I must write an article like this because Eve disobeyed. Jesus also said it is not what goes into a person mouth that defiles them, it is what comes out of their mouths (our hearts) that defiles (Matthew 15:11). Even all the man made drugs are derivatives of something found in nature that God provided. Whether they have been dissected to create a synthetic form or using extractions from a plant itself. I don’t care what you believe, the devil did NOT create trees or plant life. God created all things and called them GOOD. The Bible also says that in the end times, good will be called evil and evil will be called good.
Do any of you remember when cigarettes were sold as HEALTHY items to PREVENT LUNG CANCER? Well, i have the commercials and you can find them on Youtube or some DVD collections. maybe you'll notice in my writings that I make very little distinction between government and corporations. That's because there isnt much. One hand washes the other. Thats not good. The corporations control what We the People Do NOT.
MOST drugs COME FROM GOD’s PLANTS originally. God Created all things. He said that He gave us ALL the plants and that they were GOOD! All the but one TREE. And so I must write an article like this because Eve disobeyed. Jesus also said it is not what goes into a person mouth that defiles them, it is what comes out of their mouths (our hearts) that defiles (Matthew 15:11). Even all the man made drugs are derivatives of something found in nature that God provided. Whether they have been dissected to create a synthetic form or using extractions from a plant itself. I don’t care what you believe, the devil did NOT create trees or plant life. God created all things and called them GOOD. The Bible also says that in the end times, good will be called evil and evil will be called good.
Bibles, God’s Holy Word is printed on hemp Paper. Why? Because it’s the best paper, period.
I do want to express that I 100% disagree with anyone who worships what God gave us. I disagree with a church that is founded on the principles of pot worship, period. Or using pot to get closer to God. This is abuse and blasphemy in my opinion. This is mentioned in Romans Chapter one: “They worshiped the creature more than the Creator. And they were turned over to a reprobate mind”. SO it is very important to understand where I am coming from. Paul’s words in the New Testament said to be thankful for all things. “Giving Thanks in all Things”. Being thankful for what God supplies. This is how I view certain drugs. They DO have their place and again, I do not believe they should be abused, but used as medicine where applicable. Too much of just about any medicine becomes poison. I also believe that unless men do begin to Thank God for certain things, they will remain in illegal status, even to those who need it the most. As Cancer rates rise, the need for anti-nausea drugs rise (that DONT have any scary side effects). Cannabis is one that has no side effects other than pleasureable disposition and appetite. I also do not believe they are a way to get closer to God. This is false thinking. The only way to get closer to God is by reading His Holy Word and Praying in the Spirit.
I do believe however that under God’s authority, and our
As a matter of fact, we are supposed to have the RIGHT to pursue happiness, what ever that may mean to the individual. In early
Read on please, this information is not merely coming out off the top of my head.
I’ll mainly write about cannabis since that is what I have studied about extensively.
We have not been taught that the founding fathers (from even before George Washington who practically FORCED Americans to grow hemp/cannabis (the kind that gets you high) so they could use it for various things. The Declaration of independence is written on hemp paper because it lasts longer than any other. Clothing that is made from hemp is SOFTER than cotton and lasts 20 times longer (and is also 20 times more expensive but well worth it), bio-fuel can be produced from hemp and the medical uses for cannabis reach farther than they ever speak about in the news. If you even hear about medical marijuana, its in a negative light. I wonder why? Don’t they really want us to be well or do they make more money on us staying sickly?
There has been much talk about the trees we cut down yearly for paper products. So they try and make up the difference by using plastic. A material that wont leave the earth for billions of years. Well, here is the cure for that, plain and simple. EVEN if it was not allowed to be used for recreational or medicinal uses, at LEAST allow farmers to begin growing it for its other resources. I read in the Bible (Cant remember, maybe in KINGS) that God ordered His people to cut down all the trees of a city as a punishment to them. ALL the trees. We do need trees to breathe. Pine trees are actually the best trees for air filtration, yet are the most hated of all trees. People know them as lightning rods. The fact is, lightning strikes the tallest structure when the IONS are charged in the storm. So it really doesn’t matter what it is, it will strike the tallest thing at the right time. (Not to get off subject). Anyway, using help could help our forests and wildlife tremendously and the cost would be FAR LESS expensive for BETTER QUALITY PRODUCTS! It is actually STUPID not to utilize what God gave us to use.
In the 1940's, because of WW2 our own Government Created a PSA Called, “Hemp for Victory”. They issued permits and wanted as many farmers as possible across
Scientific evidence and major studies on cannabis have proven that every single cell in our bodies respond to cannabinoids and the properties in cannabis. Our bodies also produce natural cannabinoids. Especially found naturally in breast milk.
Science knows this, Some doctors know this, the FDA and CDC certainly know this ( I doubt he DEA understands this as hey are compartmentalized). That is why it takes such a little amount to feel the effects of euphoria. Every Single Human mother produces cannabinoids in their breast milk. This makes the babies hungry, happy and sleepy. Our human cells have cannabinoid receptors to respond directly to immediate contact with cannabis. What other drug does this straight from the plant? Not very many. And I am not saying that just because it is so adaptable to our body, that any plant with similar properties is medicinal, but cannabis has had extensive research on it DESPITE the Negative LIES and PROPAGANDA we hear in the media. There is evidence to prove that it helps Multiple Sclerosis sufferers with muscle pain relief and actually helps muscles become a bit stronger. There is evidence to support that it helps with cerebral palsy patients speak without stuttering. Helping them to have even a slightly more normal life. There is evidence that it helps glaucoma patients prolong their vision from becoming blind. Wouldn’t you want to keep your vision as long as possible? There is evidence that it’s a better pain reliever than demonized Opiates (ill also get into that subject in the near future). Its not bad, its good just as God said it was good. It IS included in herbs and all seed bearing plants. It IS medicine for many MANY proven ailments.
Here is a short list of known human ailments that cannabis is proven to be a positive treatment, prevention or cure: Gives an appetite to any ailment that would take it away, 100% effective for nausea, Helps prevent seizures in epileptic patients, relieves symptoms related to chemotherapy, AIDS or HIV, Hepatitis, Alzheimer’s, cancer, COPD, asthma, depression, bipolar disorder, ADD and ADHD, severe pain from MS, arthritis, migraines, severe pain, insomnia, muscle spasms and tremors, relieves anxiety (in small doses) and several other medical conditions which is it helpful, useful in treating or even causes problems to cease. It does NOT need to be smoked for it to be effective. It is easily made into food products for ingestion and although it takes 30 minutes to an hour for it to begin working, it will last much longer at the target issues. There is an elderly woman in
Also another man (Rick Simpson's Run from the Cure - Video 57 mins) in
In Florida, there is an initiative (Click here to sign petition or get details) to have Medical Marijuana legalized. So far they have run into unethical behavior by police when they denied him his right to have a gathering for petition signing at every turn, so it looks like this one wont be voted on until 2012.
We should NOT ignore this and allow so many to be suffering because the pharmaceutical companies will lose business, the DEA will lose their jobs and other BIG GOVERNMENT people will lose their positions as well. After all, IT IS the MAIN REASON it was attacked in the first place. Once prohibition was ended because the people rose up, all those government employees didn’t have anything to do. So they created new targets. Falsely and perversely and have convince Most Christians that cannabis is evil. It is NOT evil.
The part that really angers me is that most of the proponents of legalizing it are worshippers of the herb or appear as wack jobs. That is who the media shows isn’t it? That’s called negative propaganda. Because there are many Doctors, Lawyers and Wise college grads who are not Atheists or wackos that know the MANY and multiple positive uses of cannabis and would like to see it legalized.
One lie the government and special interest groups LOVE to tell is that cannabis causes cancer. That is so false! Cannabis is actually is proven to prevent and treat certain cancers including breast and testicular cancers, Glioma (Brain Cancer), pheochromocytoma, skin cancer, Lymphoma and Leukemia. Cannabinoids may prevent or cure cancer. Cannabinoids have a way of killing the bad cells and protecting the good ones. And Big Pharmaceutical companies KNOW this and do not want the competition. See my other article about their thoughts on competition (click here). They made parachutes for our army, clothes, sails for OUR naval ships, just a plethora of things that cannabis is useful for. The reason it was made illegal was because it was a huge competition to Dupont Company in making paper out of trees. You can research this. They had to be sneaky about it also since MOST farmers were growing Cannabis to earn a living and our American Nation's Economy was founded and based on growing and selling hemp products. The word Marihuana is actually a MADE UP WORD, by the government so that no one would know what they were banning. Again, they took away thousands of people’s lively hoods in making illegal. And they used LIES to do it, saying it made Mexican men aggressive towards white Christian women. They wanted to get rid of migrant workers once they were done using them in their fields of farming. Its an evil plot if you ask me.
Cannabis seed oil is one of healthiest things you can give your body. It doesn’t produce a high but does build your body with huge amounts of anti-toxins and helps build your muscles and immune system. It will however test you positive to THC and thus take away your job, income, kids or whatever else you may need or love. Now WHY would any government want to take that away from people? There is only one logical answer and I already answered it. The seed can also be used to make food as other seeds are such as wheat etc. It is one of the most useful plants that God gave us. It’s a true SHAME that it is illegal in the
Harry Anslinger had a special project for LaGuardia (mayor of
Each to his/her own, but if the drugs were legalized, and NOT demonized and especially not LIED about to the general public, then most people who do use drugs would not need to live in fear, have broken homes, be placed into prisons, lose their jobs, friends and be looked at as scum of the earth. The war of drugs is a scam to invade EVERYONE’s lives. Yes, the old saying is, “if you have nothing to hide, then so what”? well you keep telling yourself that. Someday it will affect you directly. Cameras up in every intersection, in rural areas, sitting outside your homes and peeking into your homes without your consent. Cameras inside new vehicles to make sure that.. You are safe? C’mon people, WISE UP! They certainly DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR SAFETY! They simply want everyone in their system, paying extra taxes to the government one way or another. They want us BROKE and dependant ON them so they can do with us as they please.
Paul said, “All things are lawful for su but all things do not build up”. I don’t think this should be taken out of context. I don’t believe that murder is included in all things. But I also don’t believe that someone who drinks a little bit after all is said and done for the day or someone who uses an illegal drug while NOT harming someone else is murder. Jesus also said that the ONLY sin committed to our bodies is fornication. Drugs are not fornication. We all know what fornication is.
There are laws placed in the book already so that if someone commits a crime, they will be punished. DOESN’T MATTER WHY THEY DID IT! Some people are just bad seeds while others wouldn’t dare break the laws. Some people understand how they can be caught up in drugs and allow them to rule their lives while others are conservative and respect them so they don’t succumb to dangers of them.
All in all, the drug war has failed and it HAS NOT STOPPED ANYONE from using drugs that wanted too. If anything it probably made people more curious. And here is food for thought… Since we KNOW that refer Madness was a complete and utter lie funded and directed by the DEA, people want to know what else they are lying about.
Another good reason to legalize and regulate drugs would bring the underground trade and all the crimes that go along with to a STAND STILL! Period. End of story. Just as it did with prohibition when evil men were mixing poison with alcohol to make it go further. The
What has prohiition caused taxpayers and average citizens? Lots of Money, higher crime rate, invasion of privacy. Here is what ONE retired Police Officer says, "Like an increasing number of law enforcers, I have learned that most bad things about marijuana, especially the violence made inevitable by an obscenely profitable black market, are caused by the prohibition, not by the plant". - Joseph McNamara (Former San Jose Police Chief)
There is also an effort and group of Current and Retired Police officers who are advocates of legalizing drugs. Their organization is called - LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)
So a decline in crime is not good enough to make it legal? A decline in diseases is not a good enough reason to make drugs legal? Keeping the public’s safety is not a good enough reason to legalize it? Regulating and taxing these things to earn states and federal income more money is not good enough to legalize these things? Seems fishy to me. MAYBE, just maybe they don’t want to legalize something that they make more money off of being ILLEGAL rather than legal? The money would go into an actual budget instead of politicians pockets and overseas bank accounts. One more thought by the group NORML that makes sense for the regulation is that "Drug Dealers do not check your kids ID"!
Lets look at this scenario… They DID / DO lie about how dangerous weed is, but maybe they DID NOT lie about how dangerous LSD or crack cocaine can be. So a person who learned that the LIE on weed was just that.. a lie from start to finish, then they MIGHT think its all lies about Crack and LSD (two potentially dangerous drugs). Once they try that and it becomes harmful to them, its usually too late.
LYING IS NEVER GOOD! – Just Ask God what He says about Lies.
Be honest with your children, tell them ALL they need to know about drugs. Tell them the reason they are addicting is because they DO make you feel good or NO ONE would do them. Tell them the true dangers of what drugs there are. NOT LIES! Tell them what will happen if they DO try them and become addicted. Its sad. But people should not be thrown in jail because they need help. Jail does NOT rehabilitate people, it’s a punishment. It never has been a rehab, its always been a punishment. And in today’s world, someone can go inside for a span, for a NON-violent ‘crime’ and come out a hardened criminal. So our prison system actually CREATES more criminals than better citizens. Is this what we want? I don’t think so.
Today’s people are told how dangerous ALL drugs are, but the Media FAILS to alert the citizens about how dangerous the Most common Rx-ed drugs are. I will list just a few: Ambien, ALL SSRI’s SNRI’s, Any serotenergic meds. Abilify, Anti-biotic, Flu Shots, and etc, blah, blah, blah.
Did you know that EVERY SINGLE reported public senseless shooting, the shooters were taking a serotenergic med of some kind? Phil Hartman’s wife was and doesn’t remember why she killed him. Many people commit suicide once they begin taking these drugs or kill others. Andrea Yates killed her 5 children and she was a NURSE! SSRI’s are VERY BAD, DEADLY MEDS. Marijuana on the other hand has NOT ONE REPORT OF OVERDOSE, EVER. Does NOT cause brain damager with long term use and actually has been scientifically proven to LUBRICATE the synapses gaps making the firing a little BETTER than before.
Why don’t we make them legal, set up treatment centers for those who do mess up their lives and keep other restrictions in place. Just NO jail time unless of course insane things occur like driving while intoxicated (and yes, they KNOW when you’re intoxicated even on weed and they know when you are not). They have reliable tests to see at the time if you were stoned or not for any drug. Don’t be fooled or lied to anymore.
Up until the so-called 'dangerous' drugs were outlawed, they were sold everywhere for many cures and ailments. They were also EFFECTIVE for those ailments in which they were advertised. It didn’t matter if someone was addicted to it, they could simply go to the grocery store and buy a pound of opium or go buy a Coke and have a Coke and a smile. Cocaine was used by dock workers to help work harder as was opium. My Great, Great Granddad said he used opium regularly so he could plow the fields. He was a STRONG BELIEVER IN CHRIST JESUS AND did not have One objection in the least. That is because he was NOT brainwashed by media regularly. I’m sure that many other Christians had similar stories. Problem is, those people are now dead. That generation has died off and a new, FULLY brainwashed generation who had NO knowledge of the past is what we have. Special interest is what keeps cannabis illegal and cocaine and any so-called narcotic/controlled 'substance'. They act like it isn’t a natural thing. When it is completely 100% natural.
....This article is NOT finished....
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