Global Warming, Global Climate Change or Unjust Tax Increase Excuses?
The subject of Global Warming has been around longer than I remember it being a hot topic in the media. I watched a movie a few days ago (sorry cant remember title) and they spoke about global warming as if it were a reality. I checked the date of release and it was 1998. So they have been planning this for a LONG time.

30,000 real scientists signed a petition and did their best to present to nations elected officials stating that Global warming is NOT caused by man, but is a simple rotation, a seasonal thing. When 30K scientists sign something collectively, wouldn’t you take their word for that? Well, I do. If they had all signed it saying it was true, I would have to believe it. But they didn’t. They said it was false. Do you hear about THAT on the nightly news or even Fox? I don’t. We have had global warming in the past and maybe we’ll have it again. YET, its really kinda funny that since our government really jumped on the band wagon to push the legislation and full blown lying propaganda on the public, we have had the COLDEST WINTERS in decades. Record colds in our region and longer than normal winters. Colder, earlier in Fall.
Either way, it is NOT caused by man made actions or farting cows.
On top of our failing economy, our government has spent 79 BILLION DOLLARS trying to propagandize this lie and propel it to the American and World Wide Public. I suppose THEY suppose they will get their money back in the Trap in TRADE, I mean Cap n trade bill?
This site here called: Earth Change Media has it correct. They study the Sun and the Sun’s explosive ‘storms’ that sometime aim and reach the earth. They also study the earth. They are scientists who know that Global Warming/Climate Change is NOT man made. A few years ago a Sun Storm hit the Montreal Canada area and knocked out their power grid for a few days. It made headlines.
Do the hard headed, true believers in Global warming see reality? Nope. They would rather sulk in their fears that were all gonna die like Chicken little said. The Sky is falling! LOL. I feel sorry for them in a way but am also scared that they are continuing to believe the lies and push for all these insane taxes such as a FLATULENCE TAX from cows and other livestock? How absurd!
Even eBay sellers are encouraged to buy CARBON CREDITS to offset the cost of shipping! It is in place and its in every corporation. THOSE FOLKS ARE BEING RIPPED OFF! It’s being instilled in very young kids from kindergarten on up in their cartoons, everything that is popular. Movies and TV shows for adults. They are pushing HARD for this to be a reality in our minds. They have not slowed down and will not until they are convinced that everyone is scared of the earths atmosphere giving up and everyone dies of asphyxiation. I don’t find ANY PLACE in the Bible where it mentions the earths atmosphere will retire. I do however find where we will all be destroyed due to our wicked ways. That time is coming soon also I hope. I have no fear of that because I know where I will be when that happens.
And they say that I AM the gloom and doom man? No, I am merely a voice exposing the gloom and doom creators. There is gloom and doom on the horizon and the daybreak is coming fast.
Cap and Trade – This is the one that will kill the nation’s economy after this next Bail Out they are actually entertaining. They did the first two WITHOUT voter approval, and 100% against the public out-cry who told them “NO”.
The congressmen and women were FORCED to vote for the first bail out bills or suffer Martial Law? They were not given but a few hours to read a 500 page document? This is not the America that I KNOW we once had. We are living under Authoritarian Rule instead of a democratic republic as is supposed to be in this wonderful USA . We SHOLD be AWARE and afraid if we are not. Hitler did everything legally to get to his power position. Our elected officials have sunk lower than HITLER!
This is on congressional record as insane as it sounds. The video clip was on Youtube, if it still is I’ll post a link when I find it. I know they did removed a few of them of that. I have a copy from C-Span that I took from Y-tube.
We need to wake up now, before we have NO LAND, NO HOMES, NO HOPE AND NO FUTURE for ourselves nor our family’s.
One thing that ANY government (even the most evil of governments) fear, and that is a rise up of the population against them. That is the ONLY thing that will help our Country get back to where we once were if it is even possible.
Don’t vote democrat, don’t vote republican, vote for WHO the right person is. We need a new screening process and new requirements ADDED to (not replacing) for our newly or re-elected officials to play ball by. If they get out of line, then that’s ONE strike. Second strike and they are OUTTA THERE! None of this Media game BULLSNOT anymore!
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