Thursday, October 28, 2010

Freedom of Speech, Press and Religion is Gone?

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.- Is a posting seeking a Christian roommate illegal discrimination or an exercise of constitutional rights? - NO. The Very First Amendment to OUR BILL OF RIGHTS STATES THIS...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Thats plain and simple english. This lady has EVERY RIGHT by Our Bill of Rights to make an ad about WHO SHE WISHES TO LIVE WITH her at her residence.
CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW - The rights she had violated under this first amendment are as follows: Right to freedom of speech, Right to express freedom of religion, freedom of the press, being prohibited to express her freedom of religion. So she has FOUR out of the five BASIC RIGHTS violated. ARE WE GOING TO ALLOW THIS?
This is why I placed the name "SHAME ON YOU CHRISTIANS" - becuase things that happen like this are YOUR FAULT for allowing them to even be entertained! This is absurdity defined.
If we in America allow this to even be an issue, then we are done. If you think it wont affect you directly, think agian. Its just a matter of time.
It's very hard to tell which interpretation of the posting at a Grand Rapids-area church is exactly right, Cooley Law School Associate Professor Paul Sorensen told 24 Hour News 8 on Friday.
"I think it's important to point out that people could choose if they want to -- even under the federal law -- to live with someone who shares their own faith," the professor said. "The problem is, can you advertise seeking that type of person?"
"The First Amendment guarantees us Freedom of Religion, and we have the right to live with someone of the same faith," Oster said. "The Michigan Department of Civil Rights is DENYING her rights by pursuing this complaint." - If this actually goes to court and they win over her rights, it will set yet another UN-just presidence
See the rest online: Here and Here and Here

First Amendment Rights VIOLATED in many ways

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