One World Governance = One World GOVERNMENT = No U.S. Constitution
Only in name will we have the US Constitution. If even that. I suspect they will keep it up there to keep the sheeple clueless that it is no longer valid. This is sad and will be accomplished via the very evil and not yet understood by me, “Treaty Clause” in our own Constitution that says if we sign a Treaty with another nation or people, it OVERRIDES our constitution. There have already been too many treaties signed and adheared to without our kowledge or consent that do over irde the will of the people and the Rights of the People in this nation. Ever heard of Codex Alimentarious? I dont wish to alarm anyone, but YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS! It certainly effects you directly as it does everyone else in this country. It deprives us of... nutrients. Thats correct, nutrients. A UN Doctor has claimed that Nutrients are toxic poisons that need to be eradicated or only taken in small doses. Sounds wacky I know. Yet the truth is stranger than fiction.
OK, I'm finsihed digressing, back to main topic.
I know that some of the founders of this nation were not good men. How they got away with what they did is beyond me. there had to have been much deception happening or somehow lots of tolerance among the wise. Some of them said good things, but probably meant evil with their words. Ben Franklin is one great example. His famous and probably most frequently quoted saying of late, “ Those who give up their liberty for safety deserve neither freedom nor safety”.
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Some may believe that only wackos believe this this Org is what it is. I truly wish that it was merely speculation. |
OK, I'm finsihed digressing, back to main topic.
I know that some of the founders of this nation were not good men. How they got away with what they did is beyond me. there had to have been much deception happening or somehow lots of tolerance among the wise. Some of them said good things, but probably meant evil with their words. Ben Franklin is one great example. His famous and probably most frequently quoted saying of late, “ Those who give up their liberty for safety deserve neither freedom nor safety”.
He knew what the long term plans were and knew about the Formula: Problem (Crisis) – Reaction – Solution.
So even though he said those words, he knew people would eventually fear the unknown and go with the government for their safe guard. The people somehow have trusted our government all the while they have been involved in very shady activity. We have turned a blind eye. Well, the time has come when we cannot any more.
If anyone is not familiar with this very effective formula (crisis-reaction-solution), it goes like this… A government or someone in power creates a Crisis, the people react, and then the same ones who created the problem, provide the solution that ALWAYS leads in the suffocation of the freedoms who reacted to the crisis. Nero did this in Rome as he burned his own city to gain the people to be against the Christians. It worked them and it works now.
Benjamin Franklin was a member of Anti-Church, Anti-Christianity organization called, “Hellfire Club”. They were far from Christians. he was also a member of Francis Bacon's "Baconians". They were known as some very evil men. Albert Pike was also among their ilk. Sadly ben Franklin was not a christian. He was very intelligent and was a greatscientist of course. the father of all Science and Botany peolple do not normally wish to think abuot was King Solomon. King Solomon was the wisest of all men who walked the earth so says God. Jesus christ was not 100% alone and was of course, more wise than Solomon. BUt it is noted in the Bible that King Solomon was the first to really dive into scince and botany extensively. Most of the early scientists who discovered the foundations for what we know now were Christians. But will not teach you this in Public Schools or most institutions these days. sadly agian, not even Christian Schools. Truth is truth nevertheless.
Ben Franklin's buddy Albert Pike is known as the main founder of American Freemasons and the KKK alike even though the Freemasons have tried to distance themselves from Albert pike now (becasue light was shed on the darkness and darkness cannot be in the presense of light), but it cant be refuted since he written about by Masonic Teachings of Manly P Hall. Also if you want to try and dispute the whole freemasonary devil worship thing you can research Alice Bailey's writings and her biography who pretty much was proud of what she did. Link to a video on Youtube(1) - Click here for Alice Bailey information (2).
And some speculate that Francis Bacon was thought to be (I do not know if this is true or false - probably true), the true writer behind William Shakespeare. “To thine own self be true” is a widely remembered writing and regularly quoted saying of William Shakespeare and also just happens to be the MAIN Doctrine of all devil worship. Doing the Lord’s will is God’s way and doing what your own heart tells you or trusting in your self is the devils way as Proverbs 3:5 calls this foolish. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding”. (6) in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight”.
And some speculate that Francis Bacon was thought to be (I do not know if this is true or false - probably true), the true writer behind William Shakespeare. “To thine own self be true” is a widely remembered writing and regularly quoted saying of William Shakespeare and also just happens to be the MAIN Doctrine of all devil worship. Doing the Lord’s will is God’s way and doing what your own heart tells you or trusting in your self is the devils way as Proverbs 3:5 calls this foolish. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding”. (6) in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight”.
Our hearts cannot be trusted and WILL DECEIVE ourselves if we listen to our heart. This is a difficult thing to understand but God’s Word is TRUE and since God said it, then I have to believe it is true. I’ve been wrong about a ‘gut feeling’ before as everyone has. I have also made poor decisions on my own apart from consulting God on important matters. Were humans and we are certainly fallible. Jeremiah 17:9 - The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Even Thomas Jefferson who I quote frequently was sadly not a Christian, BUT I do believe by his own writings, personal journals and letters to others, that his intentions were Straightly aligned with the freedoms that our Constitution once gave the American people. We are the sad folks who have allowed it to be a non-reality in today’s life. All in the name of FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN! Have FAITH IN GOD PEOPLE and you will NOT FEAR THE UNKNOWN! God has revealed His mystery to everyone through His Word and Jesus Christ our Savior.
I just stated all that to show of one example of one leader who helped shape our Constitution. I do defend our Constitution because I know that 90% of the signers of the Declaration of independence were very STRONG, FAITHFUL Christians. It is only those who were not who are taught much about (if anything these days) in pubic school. I know that George Washington was a freemason, but by his own writings and private letters to others along with his own personal diary, one can ONLY conclude he was a devout Christian man.
If you really want to learn about TRUTH behind our nation visit this invaluable, extensive research site:
This Economic crisis is THE one that could lead to One world Government and certainly a one world currency. Easily.
Think for yourselves, research and do MORE research. That’s how you learn truth. Trust the BIBLE as your FOUNDATION. Then build from there.
Our 20th President, James Garfield, as he delivered his centennial speech to Congress in 1876. It is at once an observation, a demand and a prediction:
"Now, more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. If the next centennial does not find us a great nation it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces." - James Garfield
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