So called Fairness Doctrine
Their argument? "Well, there are far too many conservative radio stations or conservative opinioned radio programs and not enough liberal ones".
Begin a show and get viewers/listeners. Last time I checked, Liberals have the Monopoly on TV, Movies and anything viewable with our eyes and ears. So what is this really all about? Its about condemning our freedom of speech. The only thing that claims to be conservative is FOX and they also claim to be fair and balanced. Why is that exactly? Fair and balanced? I don’t think so.
There are MANY topics that they excluse from their so-called conservative show. I don’t watch much of it but cant help but over hear the neighbors who are addicted to it like a drug.
I do hear that they have two people from each side on a subject usually but they place more spin on subjects than MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc.
The fact is we don’t get the real important news. Want to know why? Well back in early 1900s’ David Rockefeller Sr. bought up the POLICY of 25 of the most influential newspapers that were circulating at the time. They didn’t have to won them, just exclusive rights to what they printed. And so it has been like ever since. CBS was the first TV network and that has all been like that as well. Look at the conglomerates of who owns who. No one knows now ubt it’s a SMALL handful that own ALL the networks. Just because you have a lot of choices, doesn’t mean you have a lot of choices in content or persuasive views on any subject.
Even the Christian networks are mainly owned by TBN or The Catholic Diasis. Although, thank GOD there are many who are willing to pay and THANK GOD that the network owners are willing to accept their money, there is a good selection of REAL and TRUE TV evangelism these days. The thing I find amusing is that a fake talk show on TBN with fake hosts will have REAL Christians on their set telling it like it is. So again, GOD is in control and HIS Word gets heard.
Still, if a fairness doctrine were to be in place as the politicians desire, then even networks like TBN would be FORCED to air Satanism shows. And I KNOW there is not a shortage of that these days.
The fairness doctrine is far from fair. They know it and use the title as a play on words as they have done with the politically correct language that has evolved over the decades.
George Carlin was not a Christian and I didn’t like it when he made of Jesus, but he was a very intelligent man and funny when he wasn’t making fun of God. I’m sure he isn’t now. I do miss him. If anyone knew his political views, he was right on target. He had a piece on political correct word usage. Here is an excerpt from his monologue…” I'll give you an example of that. There's a condition in combat. Most people know
about it. It's when a fighting person's nervous system has been stressed to it's
absolute peak and maximum, can't take any more input. The nervous system has
either snapped or is about to snap. In the first world war that condition was
called shell shock. Simple, honest, direct language. Two syllables. Shell shock.
Almost sounds like the guns themselves. That was 70 years ago. Then a whole
generation went by. And the second world war came along and the very same combat
condition was called battle fatigue. Four syllables now. Takes a little longer to
say. Doesn't seem to be as hard to say. Fatigue is a nicer word than shock. Shell
shock...battle fatigue.
Then we had the war in Korea in 1950. Madison Avenue was riding high by that time.
And the very same combat condition was called Operational Exhaustion. Hey we're up
to 8 syllables now! And the humanity has been squeezed completely out of the
phrase now. It's totally sterile now. Operational Exhaustion: sounds like
something that might happen to your car. Then of course came the war in Vietnam ,
which has only been over for about 16 or 17 years. And thanks to the lies and
deceit surrounding that war, I guess it's no surprise that the very same condition
was called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Still 8 syllables, but we've added a
hyphen. And the pain is completely buried under jargon”.
See where I’m headed on this? This is OUR government doing this. And people accept it! I don’t know why. They bury the true meaning of language behind words that sound more important.
So now we have “World Governance” being said on a daily basis by Obama and all the men at Capitol Hill. It means ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT”. Yet I guess they think that the word governance sounds different than government. It still means the same thing. Doesn’t this ring any bells?
Jesus told us in revelation that in the last days, we would have a One World Government. One world Money system and One World Religion. Well, were on the edge of One World Government if it is not already in place and merely hidden by the mouths of politicians. We don’t know what they do behind closed doors. ALTHOUGH WE ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW! If they do anything in secret, it is illegal.
They are out to steal your money, steal your rights and set us on a downward spiral so that we will RUN TO THEM for safety. Its called, Problem-Crisis-Solution. They CREATE the problem, WE react, THEY provide the solution. There should be another word added called acceptance. Because we are always ready to accept their solution. And if you haven’t NOTICED, ALL their solutions TAKE AWAY OUR FREEDOMS!
I cannot say this enough – Ben Franklin told us in a statement, “They that trade their freedom (liberty) for presumed security, deserve neither liberty nor freedom”.
He was right and yet the public are VERY IGNORANT of this and will fight you on it tooth and nail and call YOU the wacko when this statement is spoken. I Will never understand that.
DON’T GIVE UP YOUR Country’s Sovereignty! For any reason! Or you WILL be controlled, enslaved by a stranger.
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