1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Therefore, any law that IS created is a null and void law and is UN-Constitutional. NO matter what or how a court judge decides or re-interprets later. That is unless the first amendment is appealed and it is not.
Our Rights are being Violated DAILY and frequently and its getting closer and closer to home isnt it? Yes, it is. What will YOU personally do about it? Wait until they take you to jail? Wait until someone sues the Church for trying to get people saved? Once ONE right is diminished for any reason, they can take all the rest of them away. We MUST fight for our God Given Rights.Yet we all just heard about a lady who was minding her own business that posted a want ad at HER OWN CHURCH seeking a christian roommate. Now, what devil in that church started all this? She does have the right to know her accusers acoording to our laws. But I havent read who that person is. Wonder Why ? Are they ashamed? They SHOULD BE!
This woman's first 4 out fo 5 rights are BEING VIOLATED as I type this and as this case is persued. Also her 4th Amendment right is being violated, "the right to be secure in your home". WHY is the Michigan State persuing this case? They have NO place dooing so and I PRAY that a counter suit is filed for breaking our Constitution. That is what it will take for these freedoms to not be lost. Law suits. As much as I hate them, when they lose enough, the insurance companies will no longer be able to afford to back the cities and they will FINALLY stop abusing their power and stealing away our rights.
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU CHRISTIANS THAT DON'T STAND UP IMMEDIATELY FOR THIS LADY's RIGHTS AND NIP IT IN THE BUD SHOULD BE SHAMED!! This is why my first post is Shame on you Christians. its shameful to not stand up for what is right and is why our nation is in the shape that its in. instead, we rely on the politcians and judges to take care of things. Well they're NOT doing a good job if you haven't noticed.
What is the next step you think? taking away our Bible's calling them books filled with hate speech? Will you stand up and oppose that or sit in your easy chair or pew and complain about it?
C'mon Pastors! Lets be vigilant for the cause of Christ. Work now for the night comes when NO MAN can work!
Leave some lights on will you please?
See the links here for more information about this atrocity... Here, Here, Here
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