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Be Ye Vigilant! |
We were the world's 'Beacon of Light' and Hope! A Nation unlike any other! We have grown ‘luke-warm’ and our lamp is dim. MAKE IT BRIGHT AGAIN before its Extinguished.
Apathy (or being luke warm) doesn't get us anything either except spewed out of the Lord's Mouth.
If you search Youtube, you will find many people in the
A Christian’s roll in politics is IMPORTANT, especially in this unique country have called the
American history doesn't teach that and Jesus told us to OCCUPY until I COME! Sitting back and allowing evil to grow is NOT OCCUPYING. Its being apathetic. Apathy doesn't get us anything either except spewed out of the Lord's Mouth.
Since God gave us the very unique freedoms we have in this country that sets us apart from ALL OTHER Governments and nations before or since, it is OUR responsibility to KEEP IT SAFE!
We have been given a Bill of Rights. We have a Constitution that was most DEFINITELY inspired by God’s Wisdom to those who wrote it. It is the most unique government that has ever been since the world began. In a perfect world a GOOD dictator or monarchy would be GREAT. As long as the Dictator is not evil. If you read the Book of Kings and Chronicles, you will see that only a FEW were said to be Good Kings. The rest Did evil in the sight of The Lord.
Shame on you Christians for: NOT READING YOUR BIBLES AND NOT PRAYING FOR OUR NATION, not praying for those in powerful positions who can and do make or break our lives into miserable states or comfortable states, and for our very future as a free society!
Shame on you Christians for:
Being Silent, sitting back and doing nothing. All that did was to allow the devils to take control. If you don’t believe that, then WAKE UP, look around at what is being done and what HAS been being done in our WhiteHouse and House of Representatives. They VETO good Bills, and pass evil & tyrannical Bills. They have been fighting the people for a couple decades now about hate Speech laws. Those hate speech laws violate our FIRST AMENDMENT. That cannot be interpreted any other way.
They are very crafty in their deceit. Don’t YOU be deceived. Look where we are today, look where we came from even 120 years ago. Its Madness!
It didn’t merely, “just happen”. It isn’t just, “the way of the world now”, It isn’t just “a sign of the times”. It is OUR FAULT for not being vigilant towards evil plots of those in high places. It is our faults for not knowing their evil plots and demanding that they remain TRANSPARENT so we can see what they’re doing!
We are to Put on the WHOLE armor of God, not just for our own protection, but to (Matthew 10:16) Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. So says THE LORD YOUR GOD! We are to have the sword of the Lord, that is, HIS WORD for our power! God is our Strength. Don’t waste what God has given us.
Shame on you Christians for:
for allowing abortion to be legalized. This is murder by God's own Words. The debate on abortion was settled before it ever began. Shame on you Christians for not reading your Bible to learn and know the right thing to do. Shame on you Christians for listening to wolves in sheep's clothing allowing yourselves to be deceived. Jesus Christ said it was Eve's fault that she was deceived. Her disobedience to God is not something to take lightly, it was our downfall. She was blamed for being deceived. SO DONT ALLOW YOURSELVES to be DECEIVED!
Shame on all of us for allowing our great nation to be brought down slowly, steadily declining in stealth mode. Little by little until there are no jobs, businesses, where INJUSTICE lives in the courts to the point that every one has become guilty until proven innocent and the cost of being proven innocent is more than anyone can bear. That is, unless you're very wealthy.
Maybe there is hope, there always is until the death of a thing. And even Jesus Christ can raise from the dead, himself and even a nation if He desires. Yet, why would He desire a nation to rise out of ashes that blasphemes His name? I am not God but from studying His Word, I don’t think the chances are great.
The controlling Oligarchy, the extremely Wealthy and powerful Elite do want us to believe that we are free even though we are not. This is mentioned in a few of their very own writings. In 1940 H.G. Wells’
Doesn’t this sound familiar to ANY BIBLE READING CHRISTIAN?
Another well know author Aldous Huxley, wrote a book in 1931 (yes way back then) titled, “Brave New World” in which he described society being controlled by various drug induced states. NOT as in heroin or cocaine but something that is presented as safe, non-addictive, helpful, benign, and this man was ALL for the control of the masses via any means. To trick them into believing that they were free although they were very much in bondage.
We think we are free when we have chains about our necks and bracelets on our ankles. We’re told that we are free when we are not. Not as we once were. Only in 20 years has the police state risen to stardom and is even praised by those who are not directly effected. They will be directly affected eventually. Maybe when their property is seized because our economy fails and we have no way to pay our taxes on the land that we paid in full. That scares me actually. The property tax is a direct violation of a fundamental right that our Constitution holds for YOU AND ME. Yet it is within the top 10 planks of Marxism (socialism) to abolish private property. Well, that’s been accomplished. I had someone disagree and then asked them this, “what would happen to YOUR paid off land if you could not pay your taxes to the government”? his Answer was, it would be taken away. Therefore we do not truly OWN our own property. In all actuality, GOD owns everything and nothing is ours. I hope you are getting the idea. God gave us this free nation and we are allowing the politicians to destroy and take away our freedoms in the name of safety and other “PATRIOTIC” ideals. WHY do you keep silent? WHY haven’t you spoken up?
How can trusted preachers teach the congregation that it is our Christian DUTY to vote, but not get involved in politics? That’s absurd and Unbalanced. Very unbalanced, and makes no sense to me. In fact we of all people SHOULD BE the ones involved in politics. Not secular hateful men and women who ultimately HATE GOD and wish to silence His Word from every single area of our lives… even our private lives.
Sadly Ben Franklin and a few other ‘founding fathers’ of our REPUBLIC were not true Christians. Some may have been more evil than others as far as their view towards Jesus Christ, this is true. The good news is that MOST of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence were Godly, saved men of the Christian faith and wanted, demanded that our nation remain as such. They wrote letters and warned people that if men of high standards and high Christian values were not the ones in our congress, then the Bill of Rights and our Constitution would be meaningless. Yet I DO quote some a Ben Franklin’s and Jefferson’s writings because they were wise none the less. Whether they were taunts or they really meant it, we will never know. They were true warnings nevertheless. I am sure that T. Jefferson NEVER meant for any Separation of Church and State to hold the meaning it does today. No, he was actually trying to protect the Church from the congressional power to dictate how a Church should teach and operate (as was the custom in
Shame on you Christians for allowing the America Dream to be something that is apart from God and self serving when at one time the ‘American Dream’ was actually being free, being able to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people and allow all people to worship THE ONE TRUE GOD, however they decided. That too has been mistranslated and now we allow groups like hateful Nazi, KKK, Churches of Satan to be established and then we wonder what happened to our nation? Really? We look around in amazement and wonder how we got here or say, “it’s a sign of the times”. Well maybe, JUST MAYBE had we BEEN Obeying Our Lord and OCCUPYING His land that He gave to watch over, we would still be that BEACON of LIGHT that the rest of the world once Marveled over. Even atheists marveled at the ‘goodness’ of American People. This was all accredited to Godliness! Where is our Godliness?
Shame on you Christians for allowing our beacon’s light to grow very dim. I don’t know if it can be seen by those in trouble anymore. Shame on you Christians for allowing MEDIA to persuade your opinion about ANY subject at all. Shame and I HOPE we all repent.
Shame on you Christians for letting our Liberties that were influenced by Our Creator and thus created by DEVOUT Men of God. Men who did read their Bibles often and fought diligently for rights and freedoms that for almost 200 years were bragged about by every other nation on the planet, be nothing more than a memory. A memory for ONLY THOSE who can remember such a time. There are actually not very many folks left who DO remember true freedom. We are told DAILY by ALL media outlets what to think, how to view every single perspective, right and wrong and list is endless. We ARE NOT told about every major decision being made that WILL affect your life IN YOUR LIFETIME. This is known as Propaganda. Former president G.W. Bush said that he must repeat certain things or people will not understand. He CALLED IT by its true name… propaganda. Thus he admitted to spreading propaganda, “for the good of the people”.
We are not living in a free
Ben Franklin is paraphrased saying that, “A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. In a republic, the Sheep have guns”.
Shame on you Christians for placing our lives in the hands of devils.
The men (true Statesmen) who fought for the freedoms/liberties that we once held dear lost their families, lands, farms, businesses, LIVES and sometimes their OWN FREEDOMS to ensure that we would have a place to live where we could worship Our Creator as we should. These men and women, if they were alive today would NEVER allow 9/10ths of things to take place. THEY WARNED US, as the God warns us in HIS BIBLE about what we OUGHT to do, OUGHT to look out for so that we can avoid evils in our lives and to preserve our very lives. The bible for Eternal salvation and earthly wisdom to prosper and
Now the world laments our demise. You can find many Youtube videos of this. They can see from afar what we cant see up close and in our faces. The current politicians make an excuse for every liberty they steal from us and we have allowed them to do it. WAKE UP before it is TOO LATE and the shame you bare will be from your very own children and their children if the world lasts that long before the Lord returns as He said He would do.
Why don't we do what is good and right, RIGHT NOW, and PRAY to the Living God for mercy and for Him to restore our land before it is too late, if it isn’t already too late.
2 Chronilces 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.