Monday, November 22, 2010

Does America Care about Herself? Senate Bill S510 The Food Modernization Safety Act


Our government was formed to make us a free people, INDEPENDENT from the rest of the world and the rest of ALL other nations. Different. A people that did NOT fear the government but a government that feared the people enough to stay in line. NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH. NOT TO BE UNITIZED WITH. YES, trade agreements are needed to help establish economic stability but EVEN without trades among other nations, We CAN STAND ALONE! We can still be the United States of America without the help of a Central bank. Without the aid of the United Nations. As a matter of fact we did JUST FINE without the UN. We have been tricked by sorcery.

We Celebrate the Fourth of July, but I really believe that we have forgotten WHY we celebrate it. It means that we are INDEPENDENT from OTHER NATIONS! We STAND ALONE among the world with The Help GOD ALMIGHTY WE ARE PERSEVERED! We are one leg and God is our other 2 legs. We are stable with God and without God we are UNSTABLE.

Have we forgotten these famous sayings by the ones who risked it all so you and me could have freedom and security to roam our own land with peace of mind?

Give me liberty or give me death” – Patrick Henry

I’ve found lately that there are so many evil plans by our own government and those sitting in seats of power. There is only one conclusion to all this and that is that they have an agenda to REMOVE the freedoms of the USA so they can have the United Nations Rule over us. In EVERY area of our lives.

The United States of America is the last hold out. The globalists know this. A globalist is someone who wants the USA to become a police state and be ruled by the United Nations and to do this they MUST rid us of our guns, and US Constitution. Not many people are aware of their rights and when you are not aware of them, YOU LOSE THEM. YOU WAVE THEM Away. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT!

You can call me a fanatic, but I am finding that NO ONE CARES. either they think they cant do anything about it, they actually somehow trust the elected officials to keep us safe from the tyranny that’s coming, dis-regard our national heritage of freedom loving Founding Father (even the ones who were not Christians), dispute that America was founded as a Christian Nation and was Blessed By God Almighty, don’t believe that what is being proposed is not real, think those who are actually wanting to do something about it are fanatics, or simply have apathy times 1000.

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are souls of those who live under tyranny'Thomas Jefferson.

"A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." —Abraham Lincoln

Well we have already seen these idea being stomped all over by the Failed Drug War, the invasion n everyone’s lives by the DEA, FDA and even when the CIA has an official US law that claims they can legally conduct experiments on the AMERICAN public without their knowledge or consent, that pretty much says it all.

It makes me SAD beyond what anyone can imagine when I tell people the evils that are in the SENATE TO BE VOTED ON OR ALREADY HAVE BEEN VOTED ON that will cause disease, famine, hyper-stag-inflation in the cost of things to where NO ONE will be able to afford a months worth of food on the paycheck they receive.

I get called a negative man, I am told, there’s nothing we can do but sit back and watch. NO, that is not true. What IS TRUE is that if we don’t take a real stand, like women did in the early 1920’s with the Women’s Temperance & Suffrage Movement to have the right to vote.

Or when the Civil rights activists did the same for equal treatment and try to rid our nation of bigotry. Such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. THIS IS THE SAME THING except there is MUCH MORE AT STAKE. NONE of those previous movements will matter if this one isn’t completed. The mainstream media including mainstream conservative radio, television, liberal TV and radio are NOT telling you these things. WHY NOT? They are MAJOR issues that must be stopped. The only reason I have learned that they wouldn’t tell you is because someone is telling them WHAT NOT TO SAY and WHAT THEY ARE ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT. What to debunk as loony talk.


Would you at least agree with that?
I hope so.

Here is one that we have less than 30 days to tell CONGRESS NO! – The Food Modernization Safety Act. What this will do is make it ILLEGAL to grow you own food. You wont be able to grow it, eat it, sell it, share it, trade it and IT WILL BE ENFORCED! – Don’t think so? Look at this video of a PRIVATELY OWNED FOOD Co-Op where the police came in with SWAT tactics, GUNS DRAWN at regular everyday NON-VIOLENT PEOPLE. –

LOOK here you Disbelievers!

We’re headed towards a total draconian society in the USA. This is NOT hippie, tree hugging rhetoric. Even if it was, so what. On this issue, they’d be correct to be worried. This is what the MEDIA DOES. They turn good people with good causes into raving lunatics. They sway mass opinion. THAT IS THEIR JOB and DUTY as a News CORP!

Call the Capitol Switchboard and ask to be directly connected to your Senator's office: 202-224-3121.

If this passes , this is what will happen: IN THE USA mind you.

1)       All US food and all US farms will be under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense.
2)       End US sovereignty over it's own food supply by insisting on compliance with the World Trade Organization (WTO).
3)       It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US.
4)       It begins the final destruction of the US economy.
5)       Deprives you and me of essential nutrition that all our bodies need.
6)       Violates our 4th Amendment right to privacy
7)       Further continues the Unconstitutional Drug War that is really a war on its own citizens and not really on drugs.
8)       Add yet another draconian law that will be enforced.
9)       Costs tax payers MORE money to add yet another UNJUST department to our government growing it that much larger…
10)   This can go on and on.

How anyone can remain complacent with these things is beyond my comprehension.

Tell them ‘NO’ on S510 - Food Modernization Safety Act. The fact is there is nothing safe about this law. It ERODES YOUR FREEDOMS, will be the death of Small Business Organic Farms who are supplying food to hundreds of communities around the USA. It will override the DSHEA LAW that allows us to have Vitamins, herbals that the FDA cannot regulate because they are natural plants that GOD gave us. We will not be allowed to HAVE VITAMINS.

Did you know that Vitamin B 17 was banned in the USA? What does it do? It prevents and helps cure a few known cancers. Look it up yourself. I’m tired of researching without anyone’s comments. If you care, you’ll look.

ANYONE going to nursing school in 2009 & 2010 knows this is truth. They hear about the Codex Alimentarius, that sounds like a WACKO idea to begin with that cant possibly be real… But the sad reality it is. The United Nations has declared that nutrients are TOXIC POISONS. Yes you read correctly. Their so called expert doctor (only one mind you) has declared that ALL nutrients are poisons. And they want to eradicate them from off the face of the earth. Well, that’s not entirely true. They want to keep them for themselves while depriving the rest of society the right to nutrition. Yes, I know how insane that sounds, that is why I WANT YOU TO HELP STOP THIS NOW!

Once these bills become law, it is VERY difficult to have them repealed. The entire time they are being repealed, the Police are out arresting innocent people. YOUR own food pantry will be filled with poisons or nothing at all. SO nip it in the BUD!

Another that is worse than this is called Codex Alimentarius. This is a UN treaty that once ratified by the USA, cannot be repealed… PERIOD. It becomes law and over rides our CONSTITUTION.

The best thing we have going for us is that it wasn’t ratified legally according to the Constitution and Obama MIGHT not really be our president. I say that because he has ignored his birth place, failed to produce even a FAKE birth certificate of Hawaii (supposedly born) and has been said to have been born in Kenya or even as a Muslim. He claims himself in his own autobiography that he is Muslim. Well, that is a conflict of interest. So, if Obama is really not a legal president then I would HOPE that any Executive orders he instates or other dictatorial acts he declares, become null and void.

That is, if the American people begin to give a shit.

It’s NOW or NEVER!

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